November In The Garden: I spent most of my time clearing out the overgrown plants and cleaning up the mess that the rains in late October had caused. It was great to get so much rain, since we are always in a drought here in California. My huge cooking pots and rain barrels filled up very quickly.. too quickly.

I think it was the day the Governor declared California was in a drought that we say the most rain in years. The mayor of our city (who lives in my neighborhood) was tried his best to reassure us he was doing all he could about the flooding that had us to either be canoeing in the streets or standing in water up to our knees. Strange month. My plants decided that they were just going to lay down and ride out the storm

The plants in the above pictures look worse than it actually was in person. I needed top trim back a bunch of the plants anyways to clear a path through the yard. The rains just moved up that plan a bit. The biggest damage was to the raised beds. So much water filled one of them that the sides collapsed. What a mess!

I got to work emptying the soil out of each planter and putting it on tarps and in any available bucket I could find. Hubby helped me cut the legs off both beds and we lowered them to the ground. A little bit of leveling out and we are back in action. It will be a few months before I start planting in them again.