Preying Mantis! I have been going on and on obsessing over the Monarch butterfly caterpillars, that I completely forgot about the other huge success in my garden. Last year I found a preying mantis in the backyard and watched her grow into a HUGE beauty over the summer. I loved to visit her in her regular spot on the Sedum every day.

Sadly though Summer came and went, and Winter set in. (ohhh… this is getting sad) and one day she was gone. (holding back tears). BUT she did leave me a little gift.

A EGG!!! Don’t worry… I cleaned out the spiderwebs. I am super happy to say that today, while I was clearing out some weeds in the flower bed, I found this little fella.

Do you see him??? Yaaa… he is pretty tiny. Look dead center of the picture and to the right just a bit. Can you see him? How about in the picture below?

SO CUTE, RIGHT??? I While I was pulling a few weeds, I spotted him running away from me. He was booking it across the bark trying to escape unnoticed, but somehow I saw him. After he made it a foot or so, he stopped and turned to look at me. It is a bit unsettling how Preying Mantis really see you. They turn their little triangular heads right at you, and you know you have been SPOTTED! I am very glad I am big.
By the looks of the egg, they are not quite done hatching yet.

This of course ruins my plans to do the rest of the weeding. I would hate to smoosh them, so I will leave the garden alone for a bit until they get settled in their territories. Of course over the next few days and weeks their numbers will greatly be reduced by other predators and even battling over territory. So I won’t name them just yet. When I do find them I will relocate them around the yard so they have a greater chance at survival, and I have a greater chance at more eggs for next year. Hubby says I should leave them alone and let nature take it’s course. Yaaa… noooooo.
Preying Mantis!